Protection sleeve cover made of French linen with handle and leather bite area. Extra strong.
Fits most sleeves available. Special interior padding allows to put it easy on the sleeve. Handle allows to use it also in off sleeve training and very helpful when working strong dogs.
Received my Order! My Dog LOVES the Puppy Arm Sleeve! The Regular Sleeve is Too Large for my "Large-Breed" Remy Line BlueNose Pitbull. He will GROW into it Soon though! Cant Wait! Im Having A lot of FUN with the Sleeve, Training him to Come with the Whistle. His Attitude has been A lot Better, Now that he Can take his Aggression out on Somthin constructive. Im Extremely Satisfied with my Order! I Will Take a Video of my Puppy, Hanging on the Sleeve. Thanks Again!

[5 of 5 Stars]