Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve made of jute material. When you need to build a good foundation in bite work. The intermediate sleeve is... more info
Model: PS14J1066 Intermediate dog sleeve jute Doberman Pinscher*
Quality Full Rubber Training Ball on rope Click on the pictures to see bigger image Lacey and Zophie - Huskies Enjoying Funny Games with Solid... more info
Model: TT1##1066 (2 1/3 inch) Solid Dog training toy with handle
Stitched Leather Short Leash Your dog doesn’t want to obey your orders? This High Quality Leather Short Leash is an excellent tool for taking your... more info
Guy, Here are a couple of pictures from 1/31/2009 training. First time I was able to use the sleeve. This is a hard biting dog, Cochise trained by... more info
Model: PS14J1066 Intermediate dog sleeve jute Cochise*
Protection sleeve cover made of jute with handle.Extra strong. Hi My order is here and everything is perfect. Thanks you! From :Cindy, USA,... more info
Model: PSC1#1066 Dog bite sleeve cover jute Good training*
Hi Guy Sorry about the delay in sending you some more photos of my dog Yoda von Heisenberg being worked by Rinus Bastiaansen who is a FCI judge and... more info
Dog bite tag ( dog bite tug ) ( puppy tug )made of extra strong french linen material ( the same material used for making bite suits ) with one... more info
Model: TE3521066 French Linen Bite Tug(6x30cm) 2 handles
Fire Hose Bite Tugs Set for Daily Training with your Dog Puppy Training with Fire Hose Bite Tugs Set (gift shown on the pic) Learn what items... more info
Dog bite rag made of jute with handle.Prey drive is greatly stimulated with this item when the dog gets opportunity and challenge to bite the rag. ... more info
Hi Dan, Here is Italiano del Colle dell'Infinito , "Talo", using your intermediate sleeve with french linen cover, he loves it. Thank You for the... more info
Model: PS14F1066 Iintermediate dog sleeve made of french linen
Dog bite sleeve - intermediate dog sleeve made of jute material. When you need to build a good foundation in bite work. The intermediate sleeve is... more info
Sorry it has Taken so long to get back in touch with you, it has been hectic since the event and trial! We are IN LOVE with that new sleeve you guys... more info
Dear Guy, We are very pleased with the Training Sleeve we bought at "For Dog Trainers". It is very durable, especially with the Jute sleeve cover.... more info
Dog bite tag ( dog bite tug ) made of extra strong french linen material ( the same material used for making bite suits ) with 2 handles. Length of... more info
Model: TE36#1066 French Linen Bite Tug(6x60cm) Belgian-Sheepdog*
Dog bite tag ( dog bite tug ) made of jute with 2 handles. Length of the bite tug: 23 inch (58 cm) On the picture - Panzer - " Woof , stay away... more info
Hidden sleeve made of extra strong french linen material. Left or right.For the training of service and police dogs. Take a look at dog hidden... more info
Model: PS13#1066 Dog hidden protection sleeve German Shepherd Dog*
Dog training toy made of rubber with handle I wanted to send a couple of pictures of my dog Bosco playing with your ball on a string to put on the... more info
Model: TT2##1066 Dog training toy with handle Bosco*
The collar is excellent along with the bite sleeve I purchased a while back, you guys have great prices and quality products! Here are some photos of... more info
Model: PS2F#1066 Puppy sleeve made of french linen
Introduction Price - This Bite Builder Has $70 Value New 2016 Fully Hand Crafted Puppy and Young Dog Bite Builder Check how our products look on... more info
Matthew from Ireland kindly provided us with photo of his awesome dog that is trained with the help of Dog bite sleeve cover ( Dog bite sleeve cuff )... more info
Model: PSC1#1066 Dog bite sleeve cover jute Good training*
My name is Gabi and my GSD puppy, is Gesa. We have started obedience training, she needed more than a buckle collar and I would rather not use a... more info
Model: TE35#1066 French Linen Bite Tug(6x30cm) 1 handle Gesa*
Here are a few pics of your tug in use. Getting a decent photo was harder than I thought. You have my permission to use the photos for your catalog... more info
Model: TE35#1066 Dog bite tag made of french linen Happy dog*
Helper Jeffrey feels comfortable training in new Protection Scratch suit for dog training. From Tennessee, USA Designed by helpers for helpers.... more info
Model: PBS4#1066 Protection scratch suit for dog training Jeffrey*